General Migration Questions

6 min read - Text Only
I need to change secrets which are encrypted at rest. Or I need to change secrets that an untrusted party or client receives and later sends back to me. The client does not inspect the secret.
  • Do your secrets identify what key was used?
  • Are your secrets bound to some version or database column and row or purpose with authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD)?
  • Are your secrets encrypted by you and decrypted by you? If so, are you using an symmetric algorithm?
  • Are your old secrets using authenticated encryption?
  • Will you be using authenticated encryption in the future?
  • How long will you accept old secrets?
  • Are you able to replace old secrets?
  • How long will you upgrade old secrets in place?
I need to change secrets which are shared between me and another party.
  • What algorithms do you support?
  • What algorithms does the other party support?
  • If another party is encrypting or decrypting data, what key encapsulation mechanisms are supported and which symmetric algorithm is used for the message?
  • Are there any content length limits on encrypted messages?
  • Are there any content length limits on encryption keys?
  • How long will it take you and the other party to coordinate an upgrade?
  • Are your secrets encrypted by you and decrypted by someone else?
  • If another party is decrypting data, are their public keys available and constantly fetched? How long do you cache their keys?
  • Are your secrets encrypted by the other party and decrypted by you?
  • If you are decrypting data from another party, are your public keys available and constantly fetched by that party? How long do they cache your keys?
  • Is there an external standard you and the other party are implementing?
I need to change signed tokens that I give an untrusted party or client. Clients are not expected to inspect those tokens. Clients send these tokens back to the service which issued the token.
  • Does the other party make assumptions on token length?
  • Does your application, firewall, or any intermediary load balancer limit request sizes?
  • Does your application internally limit token length?
  • How does your application respond to receiving a truncated token?
  • Does the other party behave identically if given a shorter or longer token?
I need to change signed tokens that I give an untrusted party or client. Clients are not expected to inspect those tokens. Clients send these tokens to other services which do not issue similar tokens.
  • Are you using public keys?
  • Are your public keys visible to services that receive those tokens?
  • Are your public keys constantly fetched by those services? How long are the keys cached?
  • Is there an external standard you and the other party are implementing?
  • Does the other service make assumptions on token length?
  • Does the other service's application, firewall, or any intermediary load balancer limit request sizes?
  • How does the other service's application respond to receiving a truncated token?
  • Does the other service's application behave identically if given a shorter or longer token?
Any last general questions to consider?
  • Is there a key identifier embedded in the token or secret?
  • Is there a version embedded in the token or secret?
  • If there is a version or key identifier, is it bound to the signature or AEAD?
  • Do your tokens or secrets include unique identifiers?
  • Do your tokens or secrets expire?
  • Are you using a library to encrypt your secrets or create signed tokens?
  • Do you really need a signed token or an encrypted secret? Would application state and a unique 128-256 bit token suffice?
  • Is the algorithm used bound to the key?
  • Can you avoid orphaning old tokens and secrets during the migration?