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Contact Cendyne

Social Feed Platforms

Twitter profile

I'm on Mastodon at @cendyne@cendyne.dev.

While Twitter / X still lives, I'm occasionally on X at @CendyneNaga.

And rarely I use Cohost at cohost/cendyne.

Once a week I might look at Bluesky @cendyne.dev.


You can reach me by email at cendyne@cendyne.dev.

Wait, people still use email?


Would you like to contact me on telegram? My handle is @Cendyne.

Interested Cendyne's artwork commissions? I post a gallery on telegram in my art channel!

Telegram art channel


Don't believe in the telegram or twitter hype, too hipster for email? You can reach me at cendyne on Discord. But I treat discord invites like cold calls, so you should probably hint to me elsewhere that you'd like to discuss something.